3 month old German Shepherd puppy? Time to look at the checklist.

potty training a puppy

The German Shepherd 3-month-old training puppy will be a lot of fun for you! Now that you have your very own German Shepherd puppy, grown to understand every command of yours, don’t waste time and start training right away. The sooner you start, the better.

3 month old german shepherd puppy are moderately mature and highly intelligent, and they become loyal dog friends as they grow older. However, it is your job to socialize and train them properly.

If you’re reading this, you are either:

1- Getting ready for your new puppy, or

2- You are already dealing with the joys and sorrows of having your very own German Shepherd Puppy dog!

Don’t despair if you’re drowning in a bouncing ball of fur with infinite force and you don’t know what to do… keep reading.

Here you will find what to do in the 3 to 6-month puppy age to prevent future behavior problems, as well as training steps to make life a little easier during this period.

Also Read : Can you shave a German Shepherd? 6 Reasons Why Not

These are the 5 steps to keep in mind during 3 to 6 months of age.

  • Socialization
  • bite inhibition
  • potty training
  • Basic commands (video)
  • reliable training

German Shepherd puppy is already 3 months old. We call it the juvenile period.


Juvenile period: 3 months – 6 months

The 3 month old German Shepherd puppy begins to slow down as it has done most of the necessary development and is now mostly growing. At the end of this phase, he will want to start puppy classes and start training his pup.

Here are some important milestones that the German Shepherd puppy goes through in this phase:

  • Have all puppy teeth (3 months)
  • Improve motor skills (3 months)
  • Begins to have adult teeth (4 months)

The ideal weight of your puppy should be within 3 months is 10 – 14 kg with a weight gain of 40%.


Puppy with ideal weight and height at 3 months of age.

Puppy with ideal weight and height at 3 months of age.

Your puppy’s ideal height should be within 3 months 9 – 11″ / 23 – 27 cm 40% height increase.


What if my German Shepherd is not at the right weight at 3 months of age?

If your German Shepherd’s vet diagnoses him as underweight or overweight for his age, the first thing you should do is ask him to help you identify the cause of the problem. Decide what to do next.

For underweight German Shepherds, you will need to

  • Give them a large meal frequently
  • Switch to a high-quality dog ​​food
  • treat parasites
  • Making a Diabetes Treatment Plan
  • Clean your teeth and treat oral conditions
  • Treat another disease that causes low body weight

For overweight German Shepherds, you will need to:

  • Give them less food less often.
  • Eliminate sweets.
  • Switch to a high-quality, low-carb dog food.
  • Do more exercise.
  • Treatment of hypothyroidism.
  • Treatment of hip dysplasia or arthritis.
  • Treat Cushing’s disease.

Hopefully this answers all of your questions about German Shepherd height and weight. As always, if you have any concerns about your dog’s health, you should contact your vet as soon as possible.

It’s time to teach your puppy to bite without hurting

It must scream like a puppy every time it comes into contact with its skin to teach its flower not to hurt human skin. He engages in puppy play and yells (yes! Loud, high pitched, loud and clear) when you feel his teeth. Your pup will stop with many surprises. As soon as he stops, wait 5-10 seconds and restart the game. Do it as many times as necessary.


Start with a very annoying or scratching bite. If he yells every time he feels his teeth, your pup will think about how he plays. It may take a few weeks before you notice your pup isn’t feeling well…then start yelling for the next level of bite. Regularly teach your puppy to play without disturbing you. It will take months to do it.


Don’t let your pup play with your clothes, shoes, face, or hair. If your pup chews on any of these items, it’s game over. Wait for him to calm down and play again.

If he’s tired of playing and biting, grab a toy or ball and play with it. After a while, fix your pup with a stuffed Kong doll in his bed or crate.


Never punish your puppy for biting, as this can lead to aggression or your puppy to be afraid of ” hands ” near his face.


month old german shepherd

3 month old German shepherd

Bite resistance requires a lot of repetition and consistency, although German Shepherd puppies are really smart. It seems that he is not learning anything. You can add timeouts of 15 to 30 seconds if necessary. It is definitely worth your time. If bite prevention is slow, this article has more tips to help you.

Toys are another aspect of training your German Shepherd puppy to bite! Your puppy should only learn to chew his toys, not his furniture, not his walls, not his shoes.

For this reason, you should load your house with puppy toys and teach them how to play with your pup. The best dog toys are interactive, which means you can put food inside the toy and think about how your pup gets it. These toys are the best because they are your dog.


If you want to know other articles similar to 3 month old German shepherd puppy? Time to look at the checklist. You can visit the Training category.

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