How to Potty Train a Puppy

how to potty train a puppy

Potty training your German Shepherd should start at a very young age, as the dog will have trouble changing its potty habits in later stages.

If your German shepherd puppy doesn’t want to ruin your house with a poop, be sure to start him on a potty training program.

Most GSD owners make the mistake of not training their dogs in their early days. The German shepherd puppy is undoubtedly adorable, but that does not mean that you ignore the fact that he is capable of destroying the floor, beds, carpet, etc. with the poo and peas from it.


Potty train a puppy


  • Developing a training plan for your GSD is essential and should start from day one.
  • A young pup can be crate-trained overnight without contamination at home.
  • If your pup hears a cry or pause, be aware that he is constipated.
  • Take young puppies outside before bedtime and when you wake up in the morning.
  • When you feed your GSD, take him outside after 20 minutes because this is the time to consolidate your GSD.
  • Let your GSD be in different areas each time it’s considered potty, but make sure he stays in the designated area. This practice helps your dog learn that the potty is not everywhere.
  • You can also use small treats or toys when your GSD is in his designated spot.
  • Help your GSD learn the “Go Potty” command.
  • You have to adapt to times and routines. Be sure to take him outside after every meal so he knows when to urinate.
  • Don’t quit until your GSD really knows his times and routine, or until you clean up a lot of debris.
  • Being attentive and keeping your eyes open can go a long way when it comes to training your puppy.



How to potty train your German shepherd puppy


potty training a puppy



Teach the German shepherd to go to the toilet

  • Take your puppy out of the designated potty area. Most owners find it beneficial to use a verbal command at this time to connect their pup with a toddler action like “pee” or “pee.”
  • Sometimes your pup can sniff right away, other times he can sniff and explore. Try to be relaxed – puppies are often taken if you are upset or want to leave! If you train the puppy in winter, we recommend that you make sure you have a good fitted jacket for this reason.
  • When you take your puppy to the bathroom, repeat the command word “Go Potty.” Have him worship with appreciation and love when he is finished. You can even give them a treat as a special treat.
  • Top Tip: Research has shown that if a dog’s action is related to a reward, it should be rewarded within 3 seconds. Pay attention to this fact and make sure that your puppy is quick with gifts.
  • Make sure your puppy plays outside for a bit after going to the bathroom. If he does it immediately after being considered potty, he may start to see it as a form of punishment.
  • We recommend positive reinforcement training. Not only potty training, but it has also been proven to be the most effective training method for all types of dog training! This type of training works with the natural instinct that your dog wants to make you happy.
  • Not only is it an effective training technique, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your pet, building trust and affection.
  • Positive reinforcement not only translates into binge eating, but also verbal praise, food, or toys/games. When you learn about your pup, you learn what inspires them to do.


Are German Shepherds easy to train?



how to potty train puppy


Potty training your German Shepherd can be tempting at times when bringing a new puppy home, as the amusing reality of potty dangers comes to light.

However, just like potty training a toddler, keep in mind that your pup is out of the woods!

It can be very frustrating (especially after the second, third and fourth times!), but how you manage these risks can make a big difference in the success of your training.

For your pup, yelling after an accident is not only annoying, but he may not even understand why he is being pushed. Try not to yell and calmly pick up your puppy and go to his grooming area.

Although “rubbing their noses” is an old saying, we now know that this method is not only unpleasant for your pup but also useless?

Your pup doesn’t associate this punishment with the behavior and may instead be afraid of you.


Causes of improper bowel movements

If your puppy manages to relieve himself and suddenly backs off, there may be health reasons, such as stress or infections.

If your pet starts to slip out of the usual risks, take them to see your vet for a check-up.


Tips for potty training a German shepherd

Although house training your puppy is a steep learning curve, it is at this time that you (and your puppy) can learn invaluable training skills on your pet training journey.

Be positive, work with your pup’s natural instincts, and you’ll have the well-trained pup of all. Remember, consistent and ongoing training is the key to learning how to train a German shepherd puppy the right way!

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